Among the world's population, joint diseases occupy one of the first places. A very large number of people experience pain in the joint tissues and cannot perform physical work. It's no secret that significant changes occur in the joint apparatus with age. Often the damage is irreversible. In no case should the spread of the disease be allowed. It is necessary to improve the symptoms of the disease with complex therapy and physiotherapy - in this case, the joints begin to function better and the pain disappears.

In medicine, pain in the joint capsule is called "arthralgia". The disease reduces a person's ability to work and prevents them from doing household chores at home. Arthralgia is a symptom of many joint diseases. Osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis and trauma all cause pain.
Arthralgia is associated with an inflammatory process. Often the pain is accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin. A person suffering from arthralgia feels relief only with complete rest. With joint diseases, the limbs can become numb and their mobility is often limited. How to overcome the disease and make the joints function fully and painlessly?
Medication treatment
Complex drug therapy is reduced to the use of external ointments, tablets, antibiotics and pain-relieving injections. Often, the doctor prescribes chondroprotective drugs that improve the condition of the cartilage and restore the joint capsule.
The inflammatory process in the joints requires the use of agents that prevent the spread of disorders and degenerative changes in the subchondral tissue. Treatment of the disease depends on its nature. In the presence of joint edema, the severity of the process can increase the swelling of the joint structures. In this case, you should undergo a full diagnosis to find out the cause of the pain.
Pain syndrome can cause metabolic disorders in ligaments and tendons. In such a situation, calcifications accumulate. Violation of salt deposits leads to pain. Bony growths also cause excruciating pain. They make it difficult for the elements of the joint to slide and interfere with its normal functioning. As a result, the person loses his ability to work.
In the complex treatment of arthrosis and other joint diseases, the following are prescribed:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics - drugs relieve swelling, eliminate pain and improve the functionality of the joint capsule. Medicines are used locally - a small amount of the product is applied to the painful area 2-3 times a day.
- Antibiotics are used if the cause of arthralgia is infection. The products cannot be used for treatment without a doctor's prescription. Antibiotics relieve joint inflammation, help fight rheumatoid arthritis tumors, and prevent joint deformity.
- Cytostatics and steroid hormones are prescribed for the autoimmune process, act at the site of inflammation and promote recovery.
- Chondroprotectors - prescribed for polyarthritis, arthrosis.
- Intra-articular injections - hormonal anti-inflammatory agents are injected into the joint cavity.
To eliminate pain in the joints, various pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory ointments are used. A drug containing derivatives of phenylacetic acid has proven itself well in therapy. The ointment is quickly absorbed, its components bind to blood proteins. Apply the ointment to the problem area 3-4 times a day. The drug is used with caution in case of exacerbation of kidney diseases. A transdermal patch is used to relieve joint pain. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In case of joint pain, the treatment with electrophoresis is widespread. This physiotherapy technique allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process, pain and improve joint mobility. Electrophoresis helps prevent the development of complications of the disease and eliminate pathology in the early stages. The method is gentle and does not have a negative impact on the human body. Electrophoresis is also called iontophoresis. The treatment method is based on the impact of direct current, which ensures the delivery of the necessary medicinal substances to the site of inflammation.
Electrophoresis treatment has a vasodilating, relaxing and analgesic effect. The method helps to resolve infiltrates and accumulation of the drug in joint tissues. The main indications for electrophoresis are the following joint diseases:
- arthrosis of the knees;
- interphalangeal osteoarthritis;
- hip dysplasia;
- elbow and shoulder damage;
- damage to the ankle joint.
Local application of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory agents ensures rapid elimination of the inflammatory process and recovery. The effect of UHF stimulates blood flow, improves blood microcirculation and triggers the necessary recovery processes in the joint capsule. The therapy provides excellent pain relief and in some cases completely restores the patient's ability to work. Low-intensity exposure to the UHF device helps eliminate free radicals. The technique is often combined with an injection of a vasodilator into the joint. Physiotherapy can increase the period of remission of joint diseases.
Joint therapy should be comprehensive. Physiotherapy procedures also include ultraviolet radiation, healing baths, magnetotherapy, paraffin baths. Electrophoresis can be replaced by ultrasound. Under its action, medicinal ions are quickly delivered to the joint tissue. High-frequency sound waves have a positive effect and increase the metabolism in the joint apparatus.
Magnetotherapy is a physiotherapeutic method for the treatment of joints based on the effect of vortex magnetic flows. Magnetic Eddy Fluxes:
- heating of joint tissues;
- improvement of blood and lymph flow in the joint apparatus;
- stabilizes vascular tone;
- relieve inflammation;
- remove the pain.
Magnetotherapy has a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of blood masses. Physiotherapy procedures induce the necessary restorative reactions in the body of a sick person and improve the metabolic process. The method has a small number of contraindications. Physiotherapy cannot be performed if there is a tumor, tuberculosis, epilepsy or pregnancy.
Infrared laser therapy is a method that helps improve joint health. Physiotherapy procedures are usually performed daily. At the very beginning, their intensity is regulated by a medical specialist. The laser has a positive effect on the condition of the joint apparatus. The method is effective for diseases of the spine, cervical and lumbar region. The laser desensitizes the nerve root, which helps reduce pain in the lower back, neck and back.
In arthrosis, massage is also used. It helps to warm the joint tissue and improve its blood supply. Various kneading, stroking, rubbing movements are used. The massage stabilizes the tone of the blood vessels of the joint capsule, improves blood supply to the entire ligament apparatus.
The use of radon and hydrogen sulfide baths has a beneficial effect on the inflamed joint. The procedures help eliminate pain, improve blood supply to the joint and induce regenerative reactions in the diseased body. During the bath, blood circulation in the joint apparatus normalizes.
Ozokerite therapy has become a new step in the treatment of joint pain. The method is based on the effect of ozokerite. This petroleum product contains beneficial essential oils, mud and resins. The substances have a powerful healing effect on the diseased joint tissue. Ozokerite has a warming effect and is used in the form of applications on the diseased area of the body. Physiotherapy is a treatment prescribed by the attending physician. It should certainly be used to completely eliminate joint diseases.
Traditional methods
Traditional medicine and herbal medicine are effective helpers to eliminate joint pain. Traditional recipes help to avoid surgery and restore the health of diseased joints. There are several treatment options:

- Treatment with a plant such as gentian helps well. The herb perfectly relieves pain, restores the structure of cartilage and bone, prevents salt deposition. A dry root of the herb is used for treatment. Take a tablespoon of raw materials, pour boiling water and leave in a water bath. Take the infusion three times a day after meals. The herb itself is also used in therapy. It is crushed, poured with 150 ml of alcohol and infused for three weeks. The tincture is diluted with drinking water before use. Take the product one tablespoon three times on an empty stomach.
- An ointment can be prepared from the rhizome of the cinquefoil to treat joints. To do this, crushed vegetable raw materials are seasoned with melted lard. The mixture is heated over a fire, stirring. The herbal remedy is heated for four hours, then cooled. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Before applying to the problem area of the body, the product is slightly warmed.
- Burdock root is also suitable for treating joint pain. They are harvested in the 2nd year of the plant's life. In order not to lose the bioactivity of the root, it is not washed. Before use, the rhizomes are cleaned, crushed and boiled. The broth is covered and left to infuse. Drink 1/3 cup of the product. It can also be used as a compress.
- A mixture based on lemon and celery helps to remove harmful substances from the diseased joint and initiates recovery. Lemon with peel should be rolled in a meat grinder together with roots and leaves of celery. The mixture is infused for seven days, the cake is squeezed and a small amount of honey is added. The resulting product is stored in a refrigerator. The medicine is taken orally in a tablespoon. The mixture cleans the joint well and regenerates its structural tissues.
- Wash the potatoes with the skins, cut the product into pieces, add water and cook for more than an hour. The decoction is filtered and taken three times a day on an empty stomach for about 2 weeks.
To improve the condition of the joint tissues, it is useful for the elderly to eat bran. They remove toxins from the body, purify lymph and blood. Bran porridge is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of taking the drug is at least 1 month. During this time, the joints are cleansed of harmful toxins and their mobility improves.
A good remedy for treating joints is the bay leaf. A decoction is prepared from this dried plant - take about 20 leaves, boil them, infuse and take throughout the day. The product is divided into several doses.
Golden mustache ointment effectively eliminates salt deposits and is used for arthritis and arthrosis. The product is made from the sap of the plant, which is squeezed out of the crushed plant. Baby cream or petroleum jelly is added to the vegetable juice. The product is rubbed into the problem part of the body 1-2 times a day. The mass can also be used as a compress. The product is applied to gauze, applied to the sore spot, bandaged and left for about an hour.
A proper diet plays an important role in the treatment of joint diseases. To improve the condition of cartilage tissue, it is useful to consume jellied meat, filling. These dishes help to restore the synovial fluid and slow down the development of arthrosis. Jellied meat contains many useful substances, collagen and proteins. They improve the composition of human cartilage and bones and restore the ligament apparatus. The substances contained in the jellied meat prevent the thinning of cartilage and bones, their deformation and the development of the inflammatory process. Other dishes containing gelatin are also suitable for the treatment of joint diseases.
The source of collagen needed for joints is chicken cartilage. It contains useful protein compounds that replenish collagen reserves in the human body. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should eat a spoonful of ground chicken cartilage. The medicine can be washed down with orange nectar. Also, to improve the functioning of the joints, they use this medicine - boil chicken knees for a long time. Drink decoction of chicken knees every day in small quantities. The broth is diluted with water.